Our coaching is for you if you:

  • Want deep transformation in your life and relationship to young people/your children

  • Desire clarity around deschooling and your role as a parent/caregiver

  • Aspire to balance setting boundaries and supporting your children's autonomy

  • Yearn for more collaborative and equitable relationships (with your children and family)

  • Hope to build more trust with your children

  • Wish for your children to thrive in the future

  • Want to feel confident about your decision to live life without school

You develop the skills and get the tools to...

  • Replace coercion with consent and foster a learning environment where your kids can thrive.

  • Develop ways of communicating with your kids that lead to more authenticity, connection and ease in the family.

  • Co-create a family culture based on equity and empowerment for all.

5 or 10 individual coaching sessions.

  • Each session lasts around 60 minutes.

  • We meet every other week.

  • In between sessions you get reflective questions to work with.

  • You also get a personal voice chat where you can ask and receive questions during the time we work together.

Invest in Your Life

We offer a 5 or 10 session program structured around your personal needs. You get lifetime access to all recorded sessions and extra materials in between sessions. Each session is 1 hour and includes:

Unpacking, examining and reframing limiting beliefs; Somatic work; Self-awareness; Reflection prompts to enhance integration;