Do you want to expand your skills in working with youth?

Chances are you're working in an SDE-center or micro school.

You might be a driven self starter that has opened up your own center/community.

It's possible that you're transitioning from conventional teaching to facilitation in an SDE space.

In our experience there are a lot of dedicated people that do an amazing work with kids but that are longing for more confidence in their role as facilitators.

We know what it’s like!

We have experienced this reality ourselves. We know how inspiring and daunting it can be working with kids in radically new ways. Supporting them (and their parents!) on their self-directed journey can be challenging to say the least.

The vision is clear - but how do you make it happen?

This is why we decided to put together a Support Program specifically designed for SDE facilitators that want to deepen their facilitation skills.

We help you unlock your own potential so you can support kids to do the same!

Our program

During 10 months, through a mix of live online group coaching sessions and accountability partner sessions, you get the tools to co-create a new way of relating and communicating with the youth in your life by learning how to:

  • Deepen your confidence and facilitation skills.

  • Develop new practices to support self-directed learners in developing more autonomy and independence.

  • Co-create a consent based learning culture with kids.

  • Develop more collaborative, equitable relationships with the kids.

  • Build consent-based and trusting relationships with the kids and their parents.

  • Identify and learn strategies to let go of control and power over kids.

Unlock your full potential as a facilitator so that you can deeply support the autonomy and freedom in the kids you work with!

What is inluded in our program?

You get:

  • 10 Group Coaching Sessions

    We're all in this together!

    We gather once a month on Saturdays (8-10 am PST/ 10-12 am CST/ 11-13 am EST/ 17:00-19:00 CET) and share our tried and tested tools and methods - providing facilitators with tangible support to deepen their confidence and facilitation skills, develop new practices to support self-directed learners in developing more autonomy and independence, and learn how to build consent-based and trusting relationships with learners and their parents.

  • 9 Accountability Partner Sessions

    Give and receive support!

    We pair you up with another participant who you will meet privately every two weeks work together towards your desired deschooling/facilitation goals. Accountability partnership is a brave space to check in on reflections, progress and share celebrations, struggles and curiosities. It's a giving and receiving that empowers you to keep on doing the work outside of the group coaching sessions. You can even keep this up after the program is over if you jive!

  • Freedom to Learn (online course)

    Free access!

    Freedom to Learn is an online self-study course for parents and adults supporting youth that want to deepen and broaden their understanding for how self-directed learning happens and how to best support self-directed learners. You recieve access to this program (value $350) as part of our Facilitation Support.

Gain clarity in your role as a facilitator and solid confidence in your facilitation skills!

Days until we begin!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds
  • Sessions

    All our sessions happen on zoom and are recorded for participants only.

    You will have access to all recordings and resources via our program platform.

  • Dates

    Coaching sessions:

    Jan 20th, Feb 17th, March 23rd, April 20th, May 25th, June 22nd, Aug 24th, Sept 21st, Oct 19th Accountability partner sessions: Once a month

  • Price

    Global North: $950 USD

    Global South: $475

    1 Payment or 3 Month Payment Plan Options


The full value of this program is $1,265 (Global North) and $635 (Global South). However, as we are piloting this program, we are currently offering it at one time special rate of $950 (Global North) and $475 (Global South). Moving forward the program will increase to it's true value.

Equity, which is built upon both inclusion and fairness, is a concept close to our hearts. To help support equity and in an effort to balance accessibility with the financial sustainability of the program, we are offering sliding scale payment options depending on where you reside and where your economy is based (Global North or Global South).

Global North economies include the US, Canada, Europe, etc. Global South Economies include Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Pacific Islands, and the developing countries in Asia, including the Middle East.

We also offer 3 month payment plans for those needing them.


  • Who is this program for?

    This program is for SDE facilitators that have experience working in SDE spaces with kids, but feel the need for tangible support to deepen their confidence and facilitation skills, develop new practices to support self-directed learners in developing more autonomy and independence and learn how to build consent-based and trusting relationships with learners and their parents.

  • What topics do you cover?

    The content of the program is partly pre-defined (based upon our experience in what we see facilitators struggle with) and partly co-created with participants depending on individual/ group needs. Some of the content covered is: Agile tools for intentional culture creation; Fostering choice and autonomy; Building equitable relationships; Setting healthy boundaries; Radical self-acceptance; Power of apology; Conflict resolution; Consent-based support. Other themes and topics are emergent based on what is relevant for participants.

  • What do you support us with?

    We support you by providing concrete tools and methods to help you develop more collaborative, equitable relationships with kids through letting go of power and control while learning how to more deeply trust kids (and yourself!).

  • What will I learn and develop?

    You get the tools to break generational cycles of adultism; heal from unhealthy relational patterns; and co-create a new way of thinking about, speaking to and relating and communicating with the youth in your life. You unlock your full potential as a facilitator so that you can fully support the autonomy and freedom in the kids you support.

  • What's your role in the program?

    Our job is to support you by holding space, listening, mirroring and sometimes challenging limiting thoughts or beliefs. We also share our experience, knowledge, knowhow and expertise in order to help you move from being stuck to taking intentional action to support you to reach new depths of your facilitation practices and relationship with youth. That being said, you will get out what you put in. In other words, the outcome will depend on your own efforts, commitment to the process and willingness to do the deep work.


“​I feel both grateful for and extremely satisfied with all the support I've received during the Facilitation Support Program. It's an experience that has completely shifted my way of looking at, talking to and behaving towards kids. I'm transformed - as a facilitator and as a mom. Totally connected to myself I can fully connect with the kids. I'm so grateful to finally have had the opportunity to experience true vulnerability, authenticity, curiosity, diversion, creativity and infinite play! Thank you Sari and Becka for guiding me in my process and showing me how to become free.”

Daniela Ruelas

“Big thanks to Sari and Becka for modeling for me what being a facilitator really means. What a gift.”

Jessica Seevers

Coaching Companions

Becka Koritz


Becka is an experienced teacher gone rogue, with an extensive and unique path within alternative education. Having grown up in the Montessori system in Sweden, she moved to Mexico in 2003 where she founded two Waldorf initiatives and Explora, Mexico’s first Agile Learning Center. Deeply committed to youth rights & liberation advocacy, Becka dedicates most of her time training parents, teachers and facilitators, and creating content for SDE families. She is the mama of a neurodivergent teenage unschooler.

Becka is a master at connecting the dots and sharing bounds of knowledge in impactful and meaningful ways that are changing the very fabric of the world we live in: she’s a catalyst. Her unique commitment and determination to advocate for youth liberation while supporting parents and facilitators in evolving their conscious communication is a fountain of inspiration.

Sari González


Sari González, Director of Explora Agile Learning Community and Co-founder of Radical Learning, is an unschooling mama, educator, experienced parent coach, and facilitator trainer known for her clear, practical focus and dedication to intentional culture creation. Leaving the corporate world to advocate for youth empowerment, she has spent the last 20 years humanizing education through initiatives like Summer Search, Farm School NYC, and Cottonwood NYC. By empowering adults to support children's learning, autonomy and agency, she champions youth liberation and social justice. Sari provides innovative tools for parents and educators to radically shift the way they think about, speak to, and relate to young people, helping them to learn and thrive.

Sari is a badass communicator and great at both conflict resolution and setting firm yet loving boundaries. She is a true defender of kids’ freedom and has an amazing gift in creating intentional & conscious cultures that center the voices of young people.