Becoming the best version of ourselves takes practice!

We want to feel competent in our roles as parents and educarers.

We want to feel we know what we're doing.

We want to have smooth sailing with our kids.

We want our relationships to be harmonious.

We want to be empathetic, patient and kind.

We want to trust our unconventional learning path.

We want to trust our kids.

We also know what we "should" be doing...

​Pause, breathe and calm the f-ck down.

Listening instead of trying to fix things.

Focus on the relationship instead of the outcome.

Trust the process and our kids' innate curiosity and configuration.

All of this is great! But we don't always know how to do it. Why? Because we're navigating life against the current, and we haven't learned how to sail steadily in strong winds. Becoming a good captain requires practice. A lot of it!

We believe learning happens through relationships. It's in a community of compassionate humans that we can really lean into practice and develop the skills we long for.

Whether you have participated in The Shift, the Deeply Deschooling Group Coaching Program or our Facilitation Support Groups and simply want more of the good stuff, or have never worked with us before:

Join us in this monthly practice group for dedicated parents and educators and become empowered!


Session content rotates monthly between the following themes::

Month 1: Learning outside the school system/transitioning into SDE.  

Month 2: Communicating with kids without power struggles.  

Month 3: Culture Creation in the community (family/learning center).   

The tools we practice are:
Self-reflection, Decolonized Non-Violent Communication (DNVC), Somatic Practices, Authentic Dialogue and more.

Develop your potential, starting today!

Join our practice group and become part of a Radical Learning online community.

What you need to know

This is a monthly subscription and you are welcome to join at any time and hop off at any time. We do ask that folks make a minimum 3 month commitment to experience the full round of practice themes and also support in co-creating a consistent and integral container.

  • Dates for 2024

    May 19th; June 16th; July 21st; Aug 18th; Sept 15th; Oct 20th; Nov 17th; Dec 15th;

  • Recorded sessions

    All our sessions happen on zoom and are recorded for participants only. You will have access to all recordings (including previously recorded sessions) and resources via our program platform as long as you are part of the practice group.

  • Investment in yourself

    $35 per month


Sari González


Having directed and facilitated two Agile Learning Communities (Cottonwood in NYC & Explora in Puerto Escondido, Mexico), Sari is passionate about youth liberation, social justice, community building, conscious parenting & equitable relationships, and works towards creating impactful and long lasting social change. She is the mama to a 9yr old neurodivergent unschooler and an experienced parent coach & trainer sought out and appreciated for her clear and practical focus.

Sari is a badass communicator and great at both conflict resolution and setting firm yet loving boundaries. She is a true defender of kids’ freedom, and always finds ways of advocating for their autonomy and independence. She has an amazing gift in creating intentional & conscious cultures.

Becka Koritz


Becka is an experienced teacher gone rogue, with an extensive and unique path within alternative education. Having grown up in the Montessori system in Sweden, she moved to Mexico in 2003 where she founded two Waldorf initiatives and Explora, Mexico’s first Agile Learning Center. Deeply committed to youth rights & liberation advocacy, Becka dedicates most of her time training parents, teachers and facilitators, and creating content for SDE families. She is the mama of a neurodivergent teenage unschooler.

Becka is a master at connecting the dots and sharing bounds of knowledge in impactful and meaningful ways that are changing the very fabric of the world we live in: she’s a catalyst. Her unique commitment and determination to advocate for youth liberation while supporting parents and facilitators in evolving their conscious communication is a fountain of inspiration.