Not back to school!

Are you a parent that sometimes have doubts – perhaps even fears – about the path of "life without school" that you and your family have chosen?

Seeing friends and family members return to the rigid rules of work and school after the freedom of summer can stir up emotions of relief – but also doubts and fears about your own choices.

In this free pre-recorded webinar, you get practical and effective tools to navigate these emotions, and the potential skepticism of the world around you.

You also get important perspectives that help you find more ease in your journey without school – during the end of summer and beyond.

You get the tools to:

  • Get clear on and stay grounded in your family’s inner compass and purpose.

  • Reconnect with and respect the uniqueness of your family’s needs.

  • Find more confidence and empower yourselves on your unconventional journey.

  • Identify strategies to respond to skepticism as well as inner or outer criticism.

  • Build confidence by connecting with your kids and your community.

You also get a workbook with helpful reflective questions to deepen your learning around life without school and facilitate your path forward.

How does this webinar help you?

As parents, we want our young people to be free and empowered. That can be really hard if we don't feel empowered ourselves.

Staying grounded in your choices is important as it helps you show up daily with more ease, joy and presence. It also makes it easier to continue to advocate for your kid’s natural learning, autonomy and freedom.

This webinar is all about getting in alignment with the vision of the life that you want to live with your kids!

Turning doubts into strengths!

The free Not Back To School webinar helps you keep your life without school-vibe shining, while most families are stacking up their shopping carts with school supplies.

You’ll get support in strengthening your boundary muscles so you can handle possible questioning of your kids' unschooling.

It helps makes it easier for you to feel grounded in your choice of this unconventional path, and confident about what you and your family are doing.

This webinar is one of the many ways in which we support or growing community of families that live life without school.

Towards the end of the webinar, we share how you can get in-depth support through our muched loved, paid group coaching program Deeply Deschooling – launching for the fourth time in October, 2024. (Scroll down for more information!)

How does it work?

It’s easy! Just press the button below to enroll for free, and we’ll send you a link once the webinar opens up.

The webinar is 60 minutes long, and you’ll have access to it during TWO FULL DAYS.

No need to show up at a certain time – access the webinar at any time during August 10-11, 2024. (You might want to make a note in your calendar already!)

Watch it alone, together with your family – or both!

Humanizing the approach to education

Sari & Becka

We’re Sari González and Becka Koritz, founders of Radical Learning™.

Together we have 35+ years of experience supporting kids, parents, educators and educational organizations.

What do we support with?

We humanize the approach to education by empowering parents and educators to support young people’s learning, autonomy and agency outside of the conventional school system. We do this through innovative tools of connection, communication and consent.

We offer in-person trainings, coaching programs, online courses and consulting.

We also run Explora ALC, an Agile Learning Community that offers pop-up immersion programs where self-directed learners and their families come together to explore, play, learn and grow together within a supportive and emergent community.

The webinar gets started in...

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