Join us in 2024 for The Shift!

2 upcoming trainings: February and April/May

A 7 day life-changing deschooling experience for adults that want to transform how they relate to kids and support their learning, autonomy and freedom outside the conventional school system.

If you want to gain more freedom in life and build equitable & consent-based relationships with others and with yourself - this training is for you!

This training is for you if you want to:

  • End power struggles and transform your relationships (with kids & adults alike).

  • Understand how oppression shows up in your life and develop tools to live more freely.

  • Learn to build consent-based, trusting and authentic relationships.

  • Release fear of what others think of your parenting and/or beliefs & way of life.

  • Develop communication & conflict resolution tools.

  • Step away from conventional systems (i.e. school) with more confidence and ease.

  • Truly understand how we learn & how to support self-direct learning for yourself and for others.

  • Learn through play!

  • Get clarity on what deschooling is and/or how to deepen & have more confidence in your practice.

  • Be part of an emerging & awesome community.

Now slow your scroll for a second!

Imagine what it would be like to finally:

- Understand where your limiting beliefs & programmings come from and why it’s been so hard to change.

- Center relationship, share power, communicate clearly & navigate conflicts with more ease.

- Feel more confident in your non-conventional path.

- Have more joy in your life & deepen your connection to the people around you (kids & adults alike).

Sounds too good to be true?… It’s not!

We know because we’ve done it and because we’ve had the privilege to support so many more to initiate this process.

All it takes is openness, willingness and commitment to the process.

Are you ready?

We can’t wait for you to join!

But wait! Have we met yet?

Hi! We’re Becka Koritz and Sari González, unschooling moms, parent coaches, leaders in the self-directed education movement & founders of Radical Learning where we support unschooling families in moving from control & fear based systems to those of trust & freedom.

Together we have 30+ years of experience working with kids, coaching parents and training adults supporting youth.

We provide support at the intersection of unschooling, parenting, relationship & community building through various kinds of unschooling tools and resources for self-directed learning families and communities.

We also run Explora ALC, a pop-up Agile Learning Community in Puerto Escondido (Mexico), advocating for children’s rights & freedom.

We have 2 awesome "THE SHIFT"-trainings coming up!


February 18th - 25th (rest day on the 22nd) ~ 10am-4pm ~ Ojai, CA (Rock Tree Sky ALC)


April 26th - May 3rd (rest day on the 30th) ~ 10am-4pm ~ Charlotte, NC (ALC Mosaic)

CONTENT (including but not limited to…)

Self-Directed Education - Building equitable relationships - Non-Violent Communication - Authentic Dialouge - Emotional Intelligence - Learning through play - Trust building - Setting boundaries - Radical self-acceptance - Nature connection - Learning how to listen - Conflict resolution - How to support natural learning - Holding space - Agile Learning Tools for intentional culture creation - Embracing and fostering the choice and autonomy of all people.


We will be offering Kids Camp for kids of participants during the training. Kids camp is held in a separate location on the same grounds of the training space and run by trusted SDE facilitators. Ages are 3+ (for CA session) & 2+ (for NC session). Cost for Kids Camp is $175-$500 sliding scale. We also have some scholarship opportunities available.


Equity, which is built upon both inclusion and fairness, is a concept close to our hearts. To help support equity and in an effort to balance accessibility with the financial sustainability of the program, we are offering sliding scale payment options depending on where you reside and where your economy is based (Global North or Global South).

Global North economies include the US, Canada, Europe, etc. Global South Economies include Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Pacific Islands, and the developing countries in Asia, including the Middle East.

We also offer 3 month payment plans for those needing them.

Please inquire about co-parent discounts if needed.


For every 5 full tuition registrations we open 1 pay-what-you-can spot. These spots be will be prioritized for historically marginalized folks and those with financial need (meaning you genuinely wouldn't be able to participate in this experience without this support).

Please note that pay-what-you-can spots are not guaranteed and are given in the order of the wait list. We will reach out if/when a spot becomes available.


  • Who is The Shift for?

    The Shift training is for parents/caregivers, and adults who support young people as the content of the training is directed towards adult learners. For those needing support with childcare during The Shift we offer a Kids' Camp option with trusted care facilitators at a nearby space during the training. Cost for Kids Camp is $175-$500* sliding scale. Kids Camp enrollment is available on The Shift registration form. *scholarship opportunities available.

  • What does the training look like?

    During The Shift, the group looks at many systems, not just schools, so that we can see how we have each internalized them and begin to reprogram our thinking and communication. We practice tools to help us move into independence, interdependence, and equitable relationships within the community we create among participants and facilitators. This ends up looking like lots of games, play, discussions, role-play skillshares, roundtables, group dynamics, and really anything the group dreams up!

  • Can my kid attend The Shift Training with me?

    The Shift training is for parents/adults only as the content of the training is directed towards adults. For those needing support with childcare during the training we offer a Kids' Camp option with trusted care facilitators at a nearby space during the training. Cost for Kids Camp is $175-$500 sliding scale. We also have scholarship opportunities. There is room on your registration form to request Kids Camp enrollment for your kid(s).

  • Can I come for only a few days?

    The Shift supports folks moving from theory to practice utilizing methodologies that require relationship building and continuity of experience, for that reason we ask that people who sign up for The Shift commit to participate in the full experience. Having participants who can only join for parts of the experience has proven to be disruptive and disconnecting and makes the process of co-creation challenging. We promise that at the end of your experience you will wish the 7-day experience was 2-weeks if not longer.

  • How does the pay-what-you-can registration work?

    We offer 1 pay-what-you-can spot for each 5 full tuition registrations. In the application you can indicate if you want to be placed on the waitlist for a pay-what-you-can spot. Please note that pay-what-you-can spots are not guaranteed and are given in the order of the waitlist. These spots are prioritized for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and low-income folks. We will reach out if/when a spot becomes available.

  • What is included in the costs? Will there be food? Housing?

    The sliding scale rates include: participation in The Shift, Radical Learning First Aid Communication Kit, additional curated resources, lots of sharpie markers and sticky notes, new friends and a safe and inspiring place for your deschooling and self-directed learning process. The sliding scale options do not include: airfare, housing, food, excursions or Kids' Camp. We will provide suggestions on different housing and food options.

  • Will you provide tips and local info to help us enjoy our visit/stay?

    You bet! Once you register we will send you a guide book with local tips and info including suggestions on airlines. housing, important medical/emergency info, food/grocery/shopping/laundry options etc.

  • Can I pay in installments?

    You have the option to pay in full or in 3 installments.

  • What if I register and need to cancel my participation?

    Payments are non-refundable. However, if you need to cancel for any reason and we are able to fill your spot we are absolutely happy to refund your payment. Again, trust is a big theme here if you haven't noticed :-)


Becka Koritz


Becka is an experienced teacher gone rogue, with an extensive and unique path within alternative education. Having grown up in the Montessori system in Sweden, she moved to Mexico in 2003 where she founded two Waldorf initiatives and Explora, Mexico’s first Agile Learning Center. Deeply committed to youth rights & liberation advocacy, Becka dedicates most of her time training parents, teachers and facilitators, and creating content for SDE families. She is the mama of a neurodivergent teenage unschooler.

Becka is a master at connecting the dots and sharing bounds of knowledge in impactful and meaningful ways that are changing the very fabric of the world we live in: she’s a catalyst. Her unique commitment and determination to advocate for youth liberation while supporting parents and facilitators in evolving their conscious communication is a fountain of inspiration.

Sari González


Having directed and facilitated two Agile Learning Communities (Cottonwood in NYC & Explora in Puerto Escondido, Mexico), Sari is passionate about youth liberation, social justice, community building, conscious parenting & equitable relationships, and works towards creating impactful and long lasting social change. She is the mama to a 9yr old neurodivergent unschooler and an experienced parent coach & trainer sought out and appreciated for her clear and practical focus.

Sari is a badass communicator and great at both conflict resolution and setting firm yet loving boundaries. She is a true defender of kids’ freedom, and always finds ways of advocating for their autonomy and independence. She has an amazing gift in creating intentional & conscious cultures.

Domari Dickinson

Guest Facilitator (The Shift - NC)

Domari is a magic-making, joy-bringing, cycle-breaking, love-filled, liberation-minded disruptor. Her four children experience this through their family’s conscious parenting and unschooling adventures. Her coaching clients experience this through her specialized programs and services that invite them to identify their oppressive parenting practices while co-creating spaces the center freedom, respect, and autonomy. Other people in the world experience this through her fun-filled, high-energy math tutoring sessions, and her IG account that’s a compilation of educational, entertaining, and inspirational content.

Sundiata Soon-Jahta

Guest Facilitator (The Shift - NC)

Dr. Sundiata Soon-Jahta is the founder of Grow Dialogue LLC., Grow(th) Dr. Sundiata, and the creator of The Theory of Indivisibility. He specializse in Anti-Oppression, Conflict Resolution, Systems Thinking, Conscious Parenting, Unschooling, and Collaborative Culture Facilitation. With a doctorate in organizational leadership and over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, educator, social change agent, and organizational leader, Dr. Sundiata's consultation and facilitation work are informed by theory and practice. His Theory of Indivisibility is designed to inspire and provide guidance to all who endeavor to do their part towards ending all forms of oppression and creating socially and environmentally just and sustainable relationships and communities all over the world.

Can you relate?

”I dislike society’s norms, but I don’t know how to step away from that kind of life.”

”I’m so done with arguing and fighting. I want to learn other ways.”

”Sometimes I feel like such a crappy partner/friend/parent.”

”I really want to offer my kids the freedom to learn, but I keep falling back into wanting to control them.”

”I feel that my kids and I are living a limited life. We should be free, but how do we get there?”

“I want to support self-directed learners, but I lack the confidence.”

“I feel lonely on the unconventional path I’ve chosen.”

We hear these things all the time! (We’ve even said them ourselves…) We want to shift things in our life but feel stuck and disempowered, slipping into confusion, fear and control. What you really need is a shift in perspective, tools and support.

We are here to help you.

What do the participants say?

“I’m so grateful for the beautiful human connections and opportunities to evolve as a result of my experience at The Shift. It's challenging to find the words to describe the deschooling experience The Shift immersed us in, but if I can summarize it in one word, I would say evolutionary. This experience not only pushes you to re-examine hard wired beliefs and social conditioning around schooling and being in relationship with young people, but the facilitators create a space that naturally allows you to show up as your full self without fearing judgement for exploring parts of you that intuitively feel right but could not be supported or even allowed to be revealed in schoolish settings. THIS experience is exactly what they want you and your learners to feel in your self-directed learning communities. It's also an experience I have NEVER felt in any educational conference, training, or workshop I've participated in over the last 20 years (except for Beyond Diversity 101). Our learning journey didn't start with the introduction of titles, degrees, and long winded stories about our "expertise". It started with a clear understanding that our imperfections and mistakes along the learning process will be equally valued and celebrated with the gifts and wisdom each of us bring to our learning community. We didn't sit and receive a lecture or were PowerPointed to death on deschooling & unschooling. We lived & practiced it in action in all of its messiness for an entire week together. This is the magic of The Shift!”

Chemay Morales-James

“The Shift is a week full of gentle invitations to look deeply (or not) into our beliefs, where they come from and how are they serving us in our lives and interactions through open conversations, sharing, games and reflections. In case we find they don't serve us, we have the opportunity to learn, explore and practice tools that enable us to change our typical responses bases on those beliefs and any time we don't quite get it, we have the opportunity to speak up and celebrate joyfully together. I used to struggle with how to transmit to my male partner the value, connection and growth we could achieve within ourselves and our tribe. The Shift has more than helped me, it has supported me in experiencing how building community based on trust, consent, listening, non-judgement and love is possible among diverse, unique beings. I feel I have blossomed into a less reactive, frustrated, stressed and annoyed human to a more connected, authentic, joyful, energetic, patient and open being after this experience. This process of transformation has allowed me to engage with others in a compassionate way and listen - really listen through the use of the tools acquired. The most important thing I take from this experience (which is difficult for me to pinpoint because there are so, so many useful skills I developed during this week!) is the ability to observe and understand power-over systems within me and pause in the moment to apply one of the liberation and connection tools and know that if/when I f*ck up, I get to celebrate myself and try again!”

Leila Minú

“The Shift is an opportunity to be in community with people who share the same fears and concerns. Fear of being without community, fear of fucking up my child, and fear of not being able to live our lives in ways that feel authentic. Before The Shift I struggled with how I could, as a single mama who works full time, possibly unschool and find ways to make self-directed learning work for me and my child. I struggled to listen to and communicate with my child in ways that felt authentic and meaningful. The Shift has quite literally shifted the way I think about my life, my child’s life, and the infinite possibilities that are open to us. I’m beginning to trust myself and the path we are on. Accepting that many things will shift slowly, and that’s okay. One step at a time, trusting the process, and taking the next right step will pave a liberated path forward that may look unconventional to most, AND it will lead to a connection between us and our chosen community that will be exactly what we need. My biggest transformation has been how I’m learning to listen to my intuition and the signs around me. This looks like meaningfully listen not only to my inner being, but also to my child and her gifts, observations, emotions, needs, and desires. I’m using the tools I learned in The Shift to listen and communicate with my 6 year old in ways that feel more positive for both of us. I can already sense a shift in our relationship. I’m also extremely grateful for the opportunity to spend time with this community analyzing and examining the ways in which colonization and white supremacy have carefully crafted and dictated the ways we have experienced school and life. If you can name it, you can heal it. This exploration of decolonizing education has supported me in developing the confidence I was lacking in choosing this path for us. Sending my daughter to school never felt like the right choice and I could never clearly articulate why. Thanks to The Shift, now I can clearly speak to why we are choosing this path. The most important things I’m taking away from The Shift are tools for consent and communication and a deeper sense of acceptance, trust, and community. We are also taking away an abundance of resources that were shared and those are helping to guide our continued learning as we’ve returned back from The Shift. Our lives are forever changed and I will always be eternally grateful for Becka and Sari and the work that they are doing.”

Brianna Stronk

“The Shift is an intensive experience of awakening to whatever inside of you is ready to shift in your personal growth journey. It is an opportunity to learn new tools that alter how you navigate life while expanding your capacity for empathy in uncomfortable situations with others. We learned about power structures and systems of oppression in ways that feel empowering to change your default beliefs. Information was shared every day that invited us to look deeper into ourselves to understand how these systems affect our beliefs. It was also an extremely connective experience where I learned what it felt like to be in an inclusive, liberated, consent-based community with open, honest, authentic folks who valued and supported each others needs and feelings while celebrating fuck ups along the way. The Shift gave me many opportunities to lean on the community and trust the process. I experienced many moments of intense fear but because I was surrounded by such self-aware, compassionate, present and loving people I was able to push through the fear and experience bravery in ways I’ve never known before. I was able to look at my child-self and see her unmet needs and how they translated into deeply rooted fear-based beliefs. I now see how some of those needs and beliefs can be transmuted today and I have begun the healing. I was hired as a facilitator at a brand new unschool that just wrapped up our first year. I have been asked to take over the program going forward and I’ve been excited, knowing this is my calling, but scared because I knew something was wrong and didn’t know what or how to fix it. The Shift gave me a roadmap of tools and a new understanding, propelling me into the role of a confident leader. Now I’m aware I can create a consent-based community that truly values each other's needs, authenticity, openness, acceptance and curiosity. I see my role as someone who supports young people to discover and own their needs and desires which will help them to become confident self-directed learners who trust their own instincts. The Shift was one of the most powerful and life changing experiences in my life. I have read so many books and spoken to so many people about self growth and improvement but this brought my awareness to a whole new level. Since being home, I have shared these tools of connection with my family and I’m watching the effects ripple out. We have new words to express ourselves and we’re starting to create consent based egalitarian relationships out of the old co-dependent paradigm. I’m finding myself less annoyed with those around me, more compassionate instead of triggered, and able to express myself in the form of sharing needs and feelings rather than storming away or shutting people out. My only complaint is that I miss all the beautiful spirits I was in community with because their gifts and knowledge were so inspiring and comforting. Big thanks to Sari and Becka for creating something so immensely powerful and modeling for me what being “a facilitator” really means. What a gift.”

Jessica Seevers

“The Shift, to me, is an opportunity to delve into and shift our internal landscapes, and the culture of our homes, communities, and the world overall. There were so many things that The Shift opened up for me, but the biggest was through one of the partner activities we did to enhance our listening. It showed my the necessity of softness in my life. This is still, 5 months later, opening up for me and being integrated. I also saw my habit of not honoring the wisdom of a child, which stemmed from the dishonor of my own wisdom when I was a child. These pivotal realizations, along with the community, resources, tools, systems, etc. that I learned during The Shift' are allowing me to truly face and address difficult truths within myself, in my home, and in community with love. As I work as a youth mentor, I've also been more confident to hold space for youth to self-direct. I'd read just a little bit about The Shift before I knew I needed to be there. The scholarship made it accessible to me! I work as a teacher, and youth mentor for mostly BIPOC youth who have experienced significant trauma, and may experience it daily. I am also a doula, sound healer, and ceremonialist in training. The Shift honored the fact the work we do in community must first be done within. It integrated this knowing into the culture, and systems we learned and utilized during our days in Borike. The Shift allowed me to open up to spaces of my own healing that I hadn't before - giving me greater compassion and softness for myself, and allowing me to show up more fully and effectively for the youth I work with. The connections, practices, tools, etc. I learned at The Shift are still being integrated into my interactions with myself and the youth. I definitely am more able to hold space for healing, joy, and confidence in these youth as they traverse the challenges they meet daily. ”
